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YouTube Keeps Consumers in the DRTV Funnel

So, you’ve produced an amazing direct response TV creative. You’ve spent a lot of money and an untold amount of time, blood, sweat, and tears!

You’ve contracted with a great DR media buying agency with a successful track record. The media schedule has been planned, vetted, and placed! Now what?

Once that first spot runs, the rubber really hits the road, and consumers are in control.

The first thing to understand is the phenomenon known as “double screening.” About 83 percent of Americans double screen these days!

Of those double screeners, 65 percent use their secondary device to look up information about advertisers while they watch.

In these days of challenging attribution, we all need to be concerned about what happens when the consumer searches a question about your brand or advertising. How do you show up in that search?

Well, first, the consumer will get an algorithm-driven response based on the keywords that they use. Clearly your paid ads will get ranked in the “sponsored” section if you are playing that game right. However, consumers are savvy, and they know that sponsored ads are “bought” by the brand, but the organic results below are “earned.”

Many consumers want more information before they buy. They have questions or are skeptical and want to read reviews and get third-party input. For that information, they will not go to your site or call the 800 number. In that first search, then, many will scroll down to the organic responses below the sponsored listings.

This means how your brand shows up in organic search results is important. The first step is to have a search engine optimized (SEO) site. That takes time and constant maintenance. However, there is a way to give yourself an advantage: Google favors video content in organic search results.

Google knew…

Read The Full Article at Results Magazine

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