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COVID changed the consumer journey, but what’s likely to stick?

Much has already been written about how COVID-19 has dramatically changed consumer behavior. Across industries and regions, people prioritized essentials and reduced impulse purchases. At the same time, people facing closed stores, reduced hours, and social-distancing requirements turned to e-commerce, which grew 27.6% worldwide in 2020, according to eMarketer.

As marketers look toward a post-pandemic future, one of the primary questions that remains is, “Which of these changes are more likely to stick around?” To find out, we conducted research about three industries — retail, travel, and finance — in markets around the world, asking consumers about current behaviors and possible future shopping habits.

One thing becomes immediately clear. The pandemic has reinforced what brands and retailers should continue to focus on: enabling people to shop when they want, how they want, and where they want, all the while providing a pleasant and frictionless experience.

View the Slide deck – The Journey Reshaped

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