Proving Consent in a Data Protected World
One of the compliance issues of virtually every data protection law globally is PROVING you have consent to use personal data to help you conduct your business. Make no mistake, most businesses believe they have consent, but cannot definitively PROVE it. When we ask clients for proof of consent, they stutter and stammer and change the subject because they do not have an automated, hands-free system for tracking and recording specific consumer consents in real-time.
Fact is, prior to May 2018 (the enforcement date of the GDPR), no business had the legal requirement of having to prove consent to use personal data for a specific purpose. So this system of tracking and recording preferences was not required. Some organizations had “gone the extra mile” to ensure customer satisfaction and put a preference centre in place, but for the most part, the  “proof of consent” mindset did not exist.
The Canadian Anti Spam Legislation was the first regulation that required marketers to know the source of every email address or SMS number on their list and to be able to prove one of the 5 types of consent available to them under the law. We helped companies of all sizes and from all sectors develop CASL compliant programmes, we sought out the best of breed global preference centres and discovered CASSIE by Syrenis.
Powerful and flexible, CASSIE does the job extremely well. It starts with a very intuitive consumer portal that empowers your customers and prospects to log in and manage their preferences with your organization.
Consents can be as granular as you wish and as specific as the laws require. Cookie consents, email consents, data use consents can all be categorized and presented in a customized way – always connected back to the database that requires the information. For example, all email consents can be connected to your email service provider, including unsubscribes, so effectively CASSIE becomes the accurate, real-time single version of the truth about your consumer’s wishes, resulting in your customer only getting what they want, when they want it.
As soon as your consumer changes their preferences in a certain area – email for example – your email service provider is notified and both databases are updated accordingly. More important, CASSIE captures and logs the detailed reports required for you to PROVE the date and time those preferences were requested by the consumer. Tracking and recording proof of consent is fully automated, with the consumer doing the keystrokes!
Once set up is complete and connections to all databases are in place CASSIE and your consumer do all the work, leaving your marketing department to focus on other important tasks. Brands like Lego, Eli Lilly, Xerox and more are using CASSIE to PROVE and manage consent globally in multiple languages.
Fully automated and efficient, CASSIE is the future for any organization wishing to respect their customer and prospect’s wishes, while meeting or exceeding regulatory standards for the tracking and proving of consent across the entire organization. Contact us to arrange a demo.