Introduction To Privacy #1
Editor’s Note: Sometimes we come across articles we wished we had written ourselves. This series from Dan Chapman looks very promising. We will do our best to post all modules
Editor’s Note: Sometimes we come across articles we wished we had written ourselves. This series from Dan Chapman looks very promising. We will do our best to post all modules
Bill C-27 has gone through a rushed Second Reading and been passed to the INDU Committee to conduct public consultation and make recommended changes to the Bill. The Bill
To be tickled pink is to be overcome with happiness and/or amusement about something that’s happened or is about to happen. This charming idiom adds a dash of colour to your expressions
There are many voices on the Internet who claim re-targeting and re-marketing are very effective. I have heard many comments like “it works” and “it’s low hanging fruit”. Assuming someone
Bill 64, also known as the Act to Modernize Legislative Provisions Respecting the Protection of Personal Information, was introduced by the Quebec government to update privacy laws and strengthen the
New data protection and privacy laws are being passed at a rate that can make your head spin. For organizations who do business globally, as well as those who simply